
Friday, January 15, 2010


Ten ODM lawmakers on Tuesday disowned Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s adviser on coalition matters, Mr Miguna Miguna, as the party’s spokesman on constitutional matters. “Mr Miguna has never been the spokesperson for ODM on constitutional matters. He speaks for himself,” Nyando MP Fred Outa said.

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He was answering questions from journalists during a press conference which MPs from Luo Nyanza had called at Parliament Buildings. They sought to distance themselves from an article by Mr Miguna that was published in one of the local dailies.

The article, which appeared on January 5, described retired president Daniel arap Moi as a man who had virtually no formal education despite having served as the country’s leader.

According to the MPs, the article was a direct attack on the person of Mr Moi. They said views expressed by the writer were personal and did not reflect views of Nyanza leaders.

Migori MP John Pesa, who read a statement on behalf of his four colleagues present at the press conference, said five other lawmakers were part of the group.

They included ministers Dalmas Otieno (Public Service) and Otieno Kajwang’ (Immigration). Mr Kajwang’, who spoke to the Daily Nation over the phone, confirmed he had signed the statement.

However, Mr Otieno could not be reached for comment. Mr Kajwang’ said the statement only talked about the article Mr Miguna had written attacking Mr Moi.

Asked to say whether there is any truth in what his fellow MPs had said about Mr Miguna not being the ODM adviser on constitutional matters, the minister said: “I don’t want to go that far.”

Mr Miguna, who is a joint secretary to the Permanent Committee on the Management of Grand Coalition Affairs, has been leading the ODM team of legal experts during talks on the draft constitution with their PNU counterparts.

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