
Friday, January 1, 2010


Mwai Kibaki has sent a message of condolence to the family and people of the United Republic of Tanzania following the death of Hon Rashid Kawawa, a long-serving minister and prime minister in the country.

In the message President Kibaki said that he personally, together with other Kenyans shared the grief caused by the death of Hon Kawawa to the immediate family, relatives, friends and to all the people of the United Republic of Tanzania.

The Head of State noted that the late astute politician will forever be remembered for his role in laying the foundation of modern Tanzania and as a long-serving Minister and Prime Minister.

The President acknowledged that the late Kawawa played a critical role in shaping the East African Community Integration and he will always stand out as a true East African.

He said, “In Hon. Kawawa, the Kenyan people saw a person who embodied the true values of East Africa.”

President Kibaki said that Hon Kawawa will be remembered as a longtime political ally of Tanzania’s founding father Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and jointly laid the foundation for a united nation.

He prayed that the Almighty God rest Hon Kawawa’s soul in eternal peace and to grant the family and the people of the United Republic of Tanzania the strength and fortitude to bear the loss of their beloved one.

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