
Thursday, January 14, 2010


Thursday's colorful inauguration ceremony of Mozambique's President Armando Emelio Guebuza to begin his second term and where Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka was among seven heads of state present was a big step forward in the deepening of democracy in the Southern Africa nation

President Guebuza, the third President of Mozambique after Samora Machel and Joakim Chisano, took the oath of office for the second time in front of President Jacob Zuma of South Africa, President Jakaya Kikwete of Tanzania, President Rupia Banda of Zambia, President Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi, Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, Joseph Kabila of the DRC and Hifikepunye Pohamba of Namibia.

The leaders arrived to pay tribute to a country which emerged from civil war to embrace democracy and whose economy is today growing at an impressive 6.5 per cent.

Mr. Musyoka also used his presence at the ceremony, where he is representing President Kibaki to engage Mozambique's leadership in order to boost trade ties

Kenya Airways flies to Maputo once a week. Kenya imports coal, cotton and sunflower from Mozambique, while it exports manufactured products to the SADC country.

"The future lies in encouraging cross border and inter-regional trade, that is why we are here" the VP declared.

Mr. Musyoka is accompanied by Turkana Central MP Ekwe Ethuro and Mutumo MP Isack Muoki.

The ceremony was also attended by former Presidents Thabo Mbeki and Kenneth Kaunda.

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