
Sunday, January 17, 2010


Raila Odinga Saturday thanked those who made the Mau tree planting drive a success.

He directed his gratitude to all Kenyans, Cabinet ministers, MPs, diplomats, the civil society, student organisations and the media for their support in Friday's event.

"This is history. I thank you most sincerely for helping to make the history happen," said Mr Odinga.

He said all those who showed up demonstrated a brave stand and showed a practical desire to save Kenya's water towers.

He asked them to continue pressing for the restoration of the environment, saying the tree panting exercise was just the beginning of "a long and difficult journey."

"I am counting on you so that we can finish this fight. We have a duty to ensure that we create a country that is at peace with its environment and I am confident that there will be no turning back after the successful launch yesterday (Friday)."

The PM appealed to MPs to spread the environmental campaign to their constituencies and encourage people to plant trees.

He also appealed to envoys to help the government spread the message in their interactions with Kenyans.

Meanwhile, the PM leaves the country later Saturday for a three-day visit to Singapore where he will discuss infrastructure and housing issues with the hosts.

The PM will be accompanied by ministers: Soita Shitanda (Housing), Chirau Mwakwere (Transport), Amos Kimunya (Trade) and Henry Kosgey (Industrialisation).

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