
Saturday, December 5, 2009


Kalonzo Musyoka has said civil servants should be allowed to participate fully in the harmonized constitutional Draft debate.

The VP said the Draft was critical in charting the future of this country, and every Kenyan including the civil servants should have an opportunity to read and give his or her views on it.

"I see nothing wrong with any Kenyan participating in this important issue, which will determine the future governance of this nation, we are all stakeholders in the issue", Mr. Musyoka said.

Mr. Musyoka was speaking separately at Kenyenya and Bosiago SDA churches in West Mugirango constituency where he attended fundraisers in aid of their sanctuaries.

The VP stressed the need for all Kenyans to read the Draft, to be able to give their recommendations to the Committee of Experts.

Mr. Musyoka however decried the short period for Kenyans give their recommendations and urged parliamentarians to explore the possibility of amending the law, to create for an extension of the period.

" It is also quite shocking to note the number of Kenyans who have not seen, leave alone reading the Draft, and something must be done hurriedly" he noted.

Appealing to the media and churches to play a leading role in enlightening wananchi on the Draft, Mr. Musyoka added that Kenyans should never again wrangle over the constitution-making process.

"It is high time the Media and church played a greater role in uniting Kenyans and helping them read and give their views on this crucial draft" said the VP

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