
Thursday, December 24, 2009


Agriculture Minister William Ruto caused a stir at Malaba border when drove his family en-route to Uganda minus his security detail.

The minister, who was casually dressed, checked at the border town at 5pm in the company of his wife and children on Wednesday evening.

Security officers including Malaba Police Base Commander Fatuma Nasphai and Deputy OCS Salim Abdalla made an impromptu arrangement to welcome him at the Immigration offices. Clearing agents jostled to clear the Eldoret North MP’s Range Rover as he addressed them outside the Kenya Revenue Authority Customs yard.

The minister said he had opted to keep politics aside and concentrate on his family, who wanted him to drive them outside the country for the Christmas holiday.

Teso residents complained to the minister that this year’s maize yields were the poorest after Kenya Seed Company allegedly supplied them with fake seeds from Malawi.

Ruto said changes had been effected at the company that saw the exit of managing director.

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