
Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Kenyans will by tomorrow know whether Parliament will approve Patrick Lumumba the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission director.

Dr Lumumba’s name, together with those of lawyer Pravin Bowry (Legal Services) and Jane Kerubo Onsongo (Education, Research and Prevention) were picked by the KACC Advisory Board last month.

Chairman of the parliamentary committee on Administration of Justice and Legal Affairs Abdikadir Mohammed told The Standard the KACC board had forwarded the names to his committee.

"We shall be meeting this morning to scrutinise the names of the three and shall compile a report, which will be forwarded to Parliament for adoption or rejection," he added.

Table names

Mr Abdikadir said it was the intention of his committee to present the names before the House goes on recess "unless something drastically happens".

The Mandera Central MP said: "If there are no major issues with regards to the names and there is consensus in the committee, then a report would be tabled on Thursday," he added

If approved, Lumumba is expected to fill the position of former Director Aaron Ringera, who resigned following pressure from Parliament and the public. The move followed President Kibaki’s gazette notice appointing Ringera, which was annulled by Parliament.

MPs claimed Kibaki broke the law by failing to follow procedure.

Mr Bowry and Prof Onsongo are to replace Smokin Wanjala and Fatuma Sichale, who also resigned after Parliament rejected their reappointment for a second five-year term.

The three were selected out of 197 applicants, who had responded to an advert placed in the media on October 2.

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