
Sunday, December 20, 2009


A section of ODM MPs at a rally in Mvita constituency on Saturday have blamed Prime Minister Raila Odinga for divisions within the party.

Chepalungu MP Isaac Ruto claimed that the premier was using a rule and divide policy to run party affairs.

Mr Ruto stated that the rival ODM faction would continue to fight for the people in Mau, until justice is served.

Eldoret North MP William Ruto meanwhile argued that he was not at war with anyone and was keener on uniting Kenyans.

“Days of chest thumbing are gone and leadership should not be based on having mammoth crowds in rallies but if the people we are leading are happy with our leadership” he stated.

Deputy Prime Minister Uhuru Kenyatta echoed Mr Ruto's sentiments, at the same time urging Kenyans not to be misled by politicians.

“We have wealth but Kenyans are misled by politicians,” he said, adding that he was not aware of the KKK slogan which he says could destabilise Kenyans.

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka attended the fund-raiser cum rally at the Mvita Primary School, alongside 41 legislators; with six Cabinet Ministers and eight Assistant Ministers.

The Vice President said that Kenyans should keenly monitor their leaders and those who have not performed should be removed in the 2012 polls.

He expressed confidence that Parliament would unanimously agree on the draft constitution, describing the current batch of leaders as reform minded.

There have been major cracks in the ODM party, which have seen a group of MPs led by Mr Balala and Mr Ruto break-off over what they termed as insincerity and betrayal by the Prime Minister.

The PM’s supporters had called for the duo’s sacking during the Tononoka meeting two weeks ago, but the Premier chose a reconciliatory tone and asked the two to return to the party.

Coast ODM MPs allied to Mr Odinga have joined calls to have the Mvita MP sacked for joining a parallel ODM camp, as a section of them sought through intense lobbying, to replace him at the Tourism ministry.

Mr Balala had earlier maintained that he was firmly in ODM as one of the founder members.

Although the Tourism Minister had reiterated that the rally at Mvita Primary School had been planned long before the Premier’s visit, allies close to the coast MP say a major political announcement is expected to come out of it.

Mr Balala said that the fundraiser was in aid of village elders from his constituency, to help them come up with a project that will earn them some income.

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