
Monday, December 7, 2009

Christians reject draft

The Kenya Christian Constitutional Forum Monday castigated the Committee of Experts for not including their views on the Harmonized Draft Constitution.

The Christian forum accused the Committee of Experts of ignoring the views of Christians.

While issuing a joint statement at the Nairobi Pentecostal Church in Nairobi, the forum's Chairman Bishop Gerry Kibarabara, said that in their submissions they were opposed to the inclusion of Kadhis courts, and allowing same sex marriages in the Constitution.

Bishop Kibarabara warned that if the Draft is not amended to address the contentious issues they will urge Christians to vote against it in the referendum.

He said that the Draft should not legalize abortions since life begins at conception and ends in natural death.

" The church is particularly angered by the inclusion of Kadhis courts in the Draft Constitution, allowing foreigners to own land and legalizing same sex unions and partnerships" said the Bishop

He added "We see a sinister motive and we are telling Kenyans to get ready to reject the harmonized Draft if the Kadhi courts are also not expunged from the Draft."

Bishop Kibarabara said the Christian forum supports dual citizenship for indigenous Kenyans whose both parents are indigenous.


  1. Former Chairman of the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission Yash Pal Ghai has commended the harmonized draft constitution for embracing the country's dynamic social political nature.

    He however said the draft was bulky saying it touched more on principles leaving little room for details.

    Ghai was speaking at a forum seeking to establish the implications of the land policy document on the common mwananchi.

  2. Judy Kibaki, daughter of President Kibaki, has supported the Harmonized Draft Constitution saying it adequately addresses the plight of orphans, the disabled and the street children.

    Presenting her views to the Committee of Experts on Constitutional Review, Ms Kibaki said the Bill of Rights in the Harmonized Draft Constitution adequately provides for the rights of children regardless of their background.

    "The plight of orphans and children with disabilities should be addressed in order for them to enjoy their childhood just like any other child. Their right should be enshrined in the constitution," Judy said

    The Draft Constitution provides that all children whether born within or outside wedlock are equal before the law and have equal rights under the Constitution.

    It also states that it is the duty of parents, the family, society and the state to nurture, protect and educate children.
