
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Bett at Tononoka

Nine Rift Valley Members of Parliament were Sunday among Orange Democratic Party (ODM) top leaders who attended a public rally at Tononoka grounds in Mombasa.

The mammoth rally which was attended by 58 MPs was addressed by ODM leader and Prime Minister Raila Odinga, his deputy Musalia Mudavadi and 14 cabinet ministers.

The Rift Valley MPs who attended the rally and pledged their support to Mr Odinga included Minister Franklin Bett(Roads),Sally Kosgey(Higher Education) and Henry Kosgey(Industrialization).

Others were MPs Margerer Langat, Musa Sirma,Nkoidila Lankas,Julius Murgor,Josephat Nanok and Joseph Nkaisery.

Odinga once again reached out to defiant party members by assuring them of free and fair ODM presidential nominations.

The PM claimed that ODM had gained ground in Central Province claiming that two assistant ministers from the region were behind him.

Raila had earlier held a breakfast meeting with ODM MPs and other Coast leaders who have been campaigning for him at the grassroots.

Majority of the speakers including Regional Development Minister Fred Gumo led the crowd into urging the Prime Minister to sack defiant ODM Ministers.

The PM however refused to give in to calls by a section of the members to sack the two rebel ministers maintaining he would still work with them if they agreed.

Water Minister Charity Ngilu who has been mediating between the two insisted he would reconcile them for the sake of party unity.

Kasarani MP Elizabeth Ongoro backed Ngilu in insisting that rebel members should remain in the party.

Coast leaders who addressed the rally criticized Balala for boycotting the rally and joining the bandwagon of those fighting Odinga.

The PM told the charged crowd that he will not relent in his efforts to save Mau and other forests in the country.

"I will not be cowed by a few individuals who have introduced cheap politics in this important national matter," said the Prime Minister.

Raila at the same time welcomed the devolved system of government contained in the Harmonised Draft Constitution. He further said he will not relent in his efforts to conserve Mau.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Ngilu on the need to unite ODM. That the best way forward.
