
Tuesday, December 1, 2009


PNU strategists have embarked on an elaborate plan to infiltrate and weaken Raila Odinga’s ODM ahead of the 2012 General Election.The party has moved to sow seeds of discord within ODM with the plan being to antagonise specific leaders who will thereafter be encouraged to vie for the presidency in 2012.

The strategy aims at ensuring that ODM strongholds are split among communities in order to weather the united vote and scatter votes among various candidates.

Each of the eight provinces will field at least two candidates in the 2012 General Election.

Central will produce three candidates, one among them will be a serious candidate while the rest will act as decoys to confuse Raila Odinga’s strategy and weaken his absolute clout in areas perceived to be his bedrock.

The PNU candidate will have a smooth ride once Western, Nyanza, Rift Valley, Coast, Eastern and North Eastern Provinces vote is split among three or more candidates.

The plan is to have as many current ODM politicians as possible stand for president. This will see one of the Mt Kenya candidates easily voted in as a block even if they will have three or more contestants.

The recent impromptu fundraiser for the victims of Mau Forest evictions attests to the plan which aims at creating the impression that Mr Odinga has been isolated.

That was just the beginning of many things to come.

Mr Odinga is a marked man and the Mt Kenya mafia will do everything possible to finance antagonism between his ODM party members in all the eight provinces and in particular where he has solid support. The first assignment of those behind this strategy is Rift Valley and they took advantage of the evictions to sow seeds of discord.

During the harambee held  at  Panafric Hotel, Mr Kenyatta made it clear that he will not relent in his quest to ensure that Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities living in Rift Valley stay in peace.Leaders from Ukambani, Coast, North Eastern , Western and Rift Valley provinces who attended the Mau Harambee that raised Sh5 million hit out at Mr Odinga accusing him of working towards antagonising communities of Kenya for his selfish political interests.

PNU strategists have identified William Ruto and  Gideon Moi, and is now considering fielding either  Gideon Kochella or Joseph Nkaissery  to run for presidency in 2012 to split the 3 million Rift Valley vote.Rift Valley

Most of the work will be done in Rift Valley and that is why already there has been a fallout among ODM members from South Rift with Mr Odinga arising from the ongoing government operation to flush out of the Mau forest illegal settlers.

With full blessings of Kibaki, the PNU operatives are focusing on Najib Balala, Hassan Joho, Gideon Mung’aro  and Kazungu Kambi  to be fronted for presidency come the elections.Mr Balala is on record having said at the Mau fundraiser that the team which attended the parley was the future and those who did not attend were not the future of Kenya.

The plan in Coast Province is to have Mr Kazungu appointed an assistant minister for medical services taking over from the yet to be filled vacancy left behind by Garsen MP Danson Mungatana who resigned late last year alongside Gichugu MP Martha Karua. The Coast strategy will be to antagonise Amarson Jaffa Kingi with Mungaro, Joho and Kazungu in order to split the populous Giriama vote which voted solidly for ODM’s candidate Odinga in the last election.In Western Province, the strategists are shopping for three candidates which they are yet to settle on. Names so far fronted are Moses Wetangula and Bwifoli Wakoli.

In Western Province, the strategists are looking at ways to front Cyrus Jirongo.

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