
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Raila takes no stand on constitution

Raila Odinga Thursday termed the launch of the draft constitution a land mark in the grand coalition government's reform agenda.

The PM expressed hope that Kenyans will study the document keenly and make their judgment without being influenced by partisan politicians.

He said he does not intend to take a position on the draft because he does not want to influence the judgment of Kenyans on the document.

The PM was speaking when he received former Ghanaian President Mr John Agyekum Kufor who paid a courtesy call on him at his Treasury offices.

He told Mr Kufor that the coalition government is functioning, well, and thanked the former President for sending Dr Kofi Annan to Kenya to negotiate the peace process in 2008.

"You gave us Kofi and we thank you for it. Kofi did very well. He put all the experience he had gathered over the years into the negotiations. President Kibaki and I also decided the standoff had to come to an end. I believe it was the right thing to do," Raila said.

The PM praised the former Ghanaian leader for presiding over smooth transition in his country in January, saying he set an example for the continent.

He said the election results were close, and an outgoing President who does not respect the wishes of voters would have attempted to tilt the results in favour of his party.

Mr Odinga also thanked the club of retired African presidents whom he said is making positive impact on the continent after leaving office.

He singled out Joachim Chissano, Benjamin Mkapa, Kenneth Kaunda and Ketumile Joni Masire for helping Kenya get back on its feet last year.

Mr Kufor, who is in the country to study the government's response to hunger, climate change and school feeding program, said he is happy with what he has seen.

"It is particularly gratifying to me that my arrival here coincided with the launch of the draft constitution. The new constitution will be the base and foundation for the kind of government Kenyans and the negotiators had in mind," Kufor said.

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