
Sunday, November 15, 2009


Vice president Kalonzo Musyoka has urged Kenyans to work to cultivate consensus on the issues contained in the draft constitution to be published next Tuesday.

He said nothing in the draft constitution is beyond discussions, saying there was need to have a constitution that will unite all the Kenyan communities.

The VP at the same time urged Kenyans to nurture the spirit of peace and reconciliation for the sake of stability in the country.

Speaking at the Jesus Celebration Centre, Bamburi, in Kisauni, where he attended the Sunday church service, the VP said it was high time Kenyans nurtured the spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation if the country has to be united.

" It is time Kenyans nurture the spirit of peace and reconciliation and take a common stand in solving the problems facing us,'' he said.

He noted that the Cabinet during the three day retreat held in Mombasa had resolved to work together in confronting issues affecting the people.

" During our cabinet retreat, we resolved to take a common stand in solving issues affecting the country so as to end the suffering of the citizens,'' he added.

"Kenyans know where they came from and where they are heading to. Leaders should therefore help heal the nation of any possible rifts,'' he added.

The VP said Kenyans can have time to come up with the system of government that they prefer to be adopted, whether parliamentary, presidential or the hybrid system of government.

"There will be enough time for Kenyans to propose any changes that they wish to be adopted in the constitution. I am sure Kenyans will at the end of the day agree on a constitution that will show what kind of people we are,'' he said.

Mr. Musyoka who was accompanied by Mwala MP Rev. Daniel Muoki called for the need of leaders to spearhead campaigns against negative ethnicity and unite Kenyans for the sake of peace and development.

He called on Christians to continue praying for peace to prevail in the country, noting that development was elusive to achieve without peace.

Reverend Wilfred Lai who delivered the sermon emphasized on the need for Kenyans to come up with a constitution that will cater for their interests.

"We should come up with a constitution that agrees with what we have,'' he said.

Rev. Lai criticized the move by a section of churches to ordinate gay marriages noting that it was time they stood up against such vices for the sake of the good for the society.

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