
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Ole Ntimama

William Ole Ntimama now claims that his Agriculture counterpart William Ruto was using the Mau evictions to promote his presidential ambitions.

Ntimama says Land grabbers were using squatters to protect their interests.

He argued that all the settlers on the Mau complex do not need compensation because the corruptly acquired the land.

He said if the settlers are compensated, the culture of impunity would continue.

The minister accused some politicians in Rift valley of bribing squatters to ignore government directive to vacate the water tower.

He reiterated the need to conserve the Mau water catchment area saying the Mara river had begun drying up.

Elsewhere, the Kenya National Commission on Human rights have commended security personnel deployed in South Western Mau to oversee the relocation of the illegal settlers from the forest and described them as being humane and dignified.

Human rights commissioner, Dr. Samuel Tororei, however, urged the government and other well-wishers to urgently address the humanitarian crisis building up at four camps hosting more than 1000 families by supplying relief food, water, drugs and tents to shelter the evictees from the adverse weather conditions.

Dr. Tororei said a team of human rights activists visited four camps including Tachasis, Langam, Kiptoror and Kipkembu where the evictees are said to have taken refuge following what the commission termed as hurried vacation from their homes as a result of heavy security deployment in the exercise that the government had termed as voluntary .

The Commission urged the government to balance between environmental protection and human rights protection and ensure that the evictees are given alternative place to settle to avoid another round of internally displaced persons as witnessed after the post election violence.

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