Monday, November 9, 2009

No to road construction

National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has declined to issue a license for the construction of a Shs.2.3 billion road passing through the Aberdare National Park.

NEMA Director General, Dr. Mwinzi Muasya, in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) study report to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Roads, Engineer Michael Kamau, said the proposed construction of Ihithe-Aberdare Forest-Kahuruko-Ndunyu Njeru road project would not enhance sustainable development and sound environmental management.

Muasya advised those in charge of the project to re-design road or explore alternative site since NEMA could not issue an Environmental Impact Assessment license.

NEMA observed that the project's Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report failed to provide for alternative routes for the project in order to mitigate on the adverse impacts on the natural forest cutting through 52 kilometres of closed forest canopy.

The letter said" the project would have massive impacts on natural forest during construction and that it was possible that some endangered tree species would be affected".

NEMA further dismissed the project's proposed mitigation measures as inadequate in terms of addressing the anticipated negative impacts on the Aberdare forest ecosystem which was one of the five major water towers in the country that provides water to Nairobi and Lake Naivasha which was the backbone of the country's horticulture.

The report was also copied to the Rhino Ark Foundation, East African Wildlife Services (EAWS), Kenya Tourism Federation, Kenya Forest Services and the Kenya Wildlife Services who are also strongly opposed to its implementation.

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