
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Fighting drug abuse

The government has initiated several interventions to fight the worrying trend of drug and alcohol abuse.

Nyanza Provincial Commissioner, Francis Mutie while reading a speech for Internal Security Minister, Prof. George Saitoti said that three legislations have been put in place to counter drugs and alcohol abuse.

"The draft National Strategy for Prevention, Control and Mitigation of drug and Substance abuse has been initiated", Prof. Saitoti disclosed.

He said the Legislation will provide a framework through which interventions by all sectors of society will address all aspects of drug abuse.

Prof. Saitoti said the draft has facilitated inclusion of alcohol and drug abuse prevention in performance contracts of all public institutions.

"The second intervention, National Alcohol Policy provides direction to all stakeholders and industry on the production, distribution, sale, consumption and regulation of alcoholic drinks in the country", he explained.

Prof. Saitoti further revealed that the Alcoholic Drinks Control Bill of 2009 has been published in readiness for debate in Parliament.

"This Bill will provide legislation that controls and regulates the production, sale and consumption of alcohol." The Minister revealed.

He said the Government has also brought on board Maendeleo Ya Wanawake Organization (MYWO) to help in the fight.

The Minister said through National Campaign Against Drug Abuse (NACADA), the Government aims at empowering Organizations with a strong membership of 4.5 million.

The measures come in the wake of a report by NACADA which revealed that about 39% of Kenyans aged 16-65 years have once consumed alcohol while 13% are current consumers.

The report further stated that among youths in learning institutions, alcohol abuse went up by an astonishing 71% over the period 2003-07.

Kenyatta National Hospital also reported an increase in alcohol related illnesses and accidents from 20% to 43% of admissions with over sh 7,000 being used on treatment of each victim of alcohol-related accidents, he said.

Under age and Binge drinking, the report added, has emerged as a major source of socio-economic and health problems to the youths aged 14-25.

It further revealed that other than alcohol, the most abused drugs include Bhang, and Miraa abused at the rate of 26% in Eastern Province, North Eastern 23% and Coast at 17% respectively.

Other common drugs include kuber, cocaine, mogoka, heroin, ndovu, petrol, mandrax and glue

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