
Monday, November 30, 2009

Bett Develops cold feet

Franklin Bett has accused some Rift Valley MPs of using the plight of Mau evictees for political mileage.

His new stand appears to distance him from some leaders who have accused Prime Minister Raila Odinga of mishandling the ongoing evictions.

Mr Bett said: "I detest any individual or group of leaders trying to use the Mau issue as a political tool at the expense of the suffering women and children."

He added: "Those suffering newborn babies neither know about ODM wrangles nor political battles between individuals and must be helped."

Some MPs have warned they will mobilise a vote of no confidence against the PM.

The Bureti MP challenged leaders to address the issue with sobriety and channel efforts towards helping the evictees instead of mudslinging.

He also clarified he did not own any piece of land in the Mau and challenged those claiming he owns a sawmill to provide evidence.

He said: "It is sad Rift Valley leaders have been stereotyped to an extent that when (Agriculture Minister) William Ruto and Joshua Kuttuny (Cherangany MP) speak, it is imagined they carry all of our opinion."

He said he was an independently elected leader and asked the media not to make conclusions about him.

"People are quick to make conclusions when they see me with Raila or Ruto, and I do not want to be used as a political pamper," he said.

He added: "I am not a Raila, Ruto or a Uhuru Kenyatta man. Those claiming I subscribe to their thinking are misplaced. Do not imagine things about me and do not lump me with the so-called Rift Valley MPs."

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