
Sunday, October 11, 2009

Ready for Ocampo?

Raila Odinga Sunday said the government was ready to work with the International Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Louis Moreno Ocampo to try suspected perpetrators of the post election violence.

Raila said Members of Parliament had failed to marshall the necessary support for the bill to create a special tribunal to try the suspects because of vested interests by those who believed their names are in the waki envelope.

"We will give Ocampo maximum co-operation" said Raila.

The government has in recent days come under attack for sleeping on reforms, but Raila defended President Kibaki against such accusations, saying reforms are on course, despite the seemingly slow pace

Raila spoke at a rally in Gachie Primary school in Kiambaa constituency, where he was accompanied by Cabinet Minister Charity Ngilu, Joe Nyaga , Anyang Nyongo, MPs and other learders.

Water Minister and the PM also dismissed tribal alliances and clamour for 2012 posts, saying its time to deliver services to the people.

Raila at the same time accused the media of falsehood, saying any time he goes visiting an area, he is said to be out to campaign.

Raila was earlier the chief guest at St. Stephens Catholic Church, Gachie, in which he helped raise 4 million shillings in aid of the church. The PM said the security issues of the Kiambaa residents will be looked into.

Ocampo is expected to arrive in the country anytime to meet the two principals.

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