
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Ocampo arrives

Ocampo arrives on 3rd November to meet the two principals in charting the course for prosecution of architects of post election violence.

Initial reports had indicated that Ocampo was to jet in the country on Wednesday but according to constitution affairs minister Mutula Kilonzo, the two principals requested for more time to prepare their briefs.

Mutula says the government will support the Investigation by ICC dismissing all fears that any indictment of senior government officials could cause a constitutional crisis.

As The Hague option crystallized, proponents of the local tribunal led by Imenti central MP Gitobu Imanyara read antics by the government to render their attempts still born.

Mutula however says the bill in its current state is a cropper.

The MPs have accused the government of being intransigent in establishing a local tribunal a statement Mutula has dismissed.

1 comment:

  1. Imanyara has appealed to International Criminal Court Prosecutor Moreno Ocampo not to be deluded by Kibaki and Raila Odinga about their commitment to form a local tribunal.

    He saidthat if the two principals were committed to forming a local tribunal, they would be drumming support for his Bill seeking to form the tribunal after the government failed to lobby MPs to set up such a court in February.

    “If they are committed what we should be hearing from them is, yes Imanyara and company we are supporting this Bill. But, we have not heard that. Instead, they continue to sing the old tune that the government is committed, where did the commitment go when we brought a Bill that meets international standards?” he wondered
