
Monday, October 19, 2009

Mau Committee

The Mau Forest Interim Coordinating Secretariat will soon embark on evicting settlers in the complex who do not own title deeds.

Secretariat chairman Noor Hassan Noor says they were only waiting the eviction notice from the ministry of forestry.

Noor however maintained that the eviction would be done in a humane manner.

Speaking during an editors guild breakfast meeting, Noor said his team aims at implementing the task force report which was approved by parliament mid last month besides developing a framework for long term measures to restore Mau.

He added that the major exercise of recovering the 2001 excisions which entails 61 hectares piece of land will kick off early next year.

Recent efforts to curb the destruction of Mau complex, the interim coordinating secretariat team has seen the recovery of 30,000 logs of timber and 598 suspects arrested.

The secretariat has also met with several MPS and permanent secretaries who have stake on the complex to discuss on the way forward to save the complex from degradation.

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