
Monday, October 12, 2009

Kalonzo taking over PNU?

Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has appealed for peace and reconciliation throughout the country so that Kenyans can be united.

He disclosed that this week, he will be in western Kenya to continue with the unity call.

Speaking at St. Pauls Kahuro Catholic Church in Murang'a east District, during a funds drive in aid of the church, the VP criticized those claiming that he was using the unity call to campaigning ahead of the next elections.

"There is nothing wrong with people preparing early. But politics is part of life. Even former president Moi at one time said siasa mbaya, maisha mabaya (bad politics, bad life),'' he said.

A National Unity Council has been formed by the Party of National Unity (PNU) and its affiliate parties aimed at preaching peace and reconciliation for the sake of stability in the country, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

Mr. Musyoka said the council to be chaired by President Kibaki is aimed at preaching peace and reconciliation among the people of Kenya irrespective of tribal and political affiliations.

The council, the VP added will also ensure that the country will in future have a proper government and proper opposition, unlike the current set up which has no a strong opposition..

"Leaders must come out forcefully and take a common stand in the fight against negative ethnicity if this county has to prosper. It should be clear that Kenya is greater than individuals,'' he said.

He said it was wrong for some leaders to view those calling for unity among Kenyans as people who were engaging in politics ahead of the next general elections.

"I am not ashamed of stating that Grand Coalitions is not good for this country. We must do everything possible to get Kenya back."


  1. Let's wait and see.

  2. Its time for Kalonzo to do something else with his life, he has nothing left to give to Kenyans after all his " productive " - some will call it destructive life in politics ....fool me once shame on me, fool us twice ! no way. Kenya needs new thinking, he is amongst the youngest politicians but his schooling is old school through and through , it will take him ages to change and by that time Kenyas will be on each others throats with AKs. He is a tribalist and a divider, his politics is based on tribal calculations, divide here, unite here, pita katikati here etc etc. Its time for Kenyas to look forward not backwards.
