
Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kalonzo campaigns in Western

A day after opinion polls showed Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka come second among presidential contenders for 2012, the Mwingi south legislator has delivered a broadside at his critics who have accused him of advancing tribal politics.

Speaking during a funds drive in Kimilili constituency the VP found time to advance his presidential ambitions, this time lashing at his critics over what he says are spirited efforts to malign him.

He further added that by seeking to work with other communities is a positive thing during this time the country needs reconciliation.

Elsewhere in Kandara Internal security minister George Saitoti has cautioned his colleagues against early campaigns saying they should focus on delivering to Kenyans.

At the same time foreign affairs minister Moses Wetangula sought to set the record straight over the wrangles bedeviling ford Kenya party.

In a hint that things may be moving in his favour Kimilili MP Eseli Simiyu said the community will work with politicians who are supportive of the interests of Kenyans.

Over the recent days Kalonzo has upped the political stakes with talk of a ‘triple K' alliance initially coined to bring together members of the Kikuyu and Kalenjin communities with Kalonzo roping in the Kamba community.

Kalonzo has come under scathing attack from a section of leaders over his proposal that three major communities could form a political alliance ahead of the 2012 General Election, who say such pronouncements will divide the country further.

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