
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

IDP money

The government has set aside 1.4 billion shillings to buy land to resettle internally displaced persons.

Lands minister James Orengo said his ministry was in the process of identifying land adding that the process of acquiring land would be done in a transparent manner.

He said a further 500 million shillings have been set aside for those willing to go back to their original

land. He was addressing a news conference at the ministry's headquarters at Ardhi house.

President Kibaki ordered the resettlement of all 6,802 people living in 19 camps for the internally displaced in two weeks, which ends on Friday.

On land reforms, the minister said land issues could not be resoved unless laws regarding the issue are reviewed.

"Without the cooperation of the Judiciary, we will not go far" Orengo said.

He said the Ministry has done an inventory of the Land laws and is in the process of analyzing the laws with the aim of harmonizing and reducing them to a lesser number.

"The Ministry is in the

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