
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Executive President

The Party of National Unity-PNU-has declared it favors an executive presidency.

This is in contrast with the other major party, ODMs position which has been preference for a parliamentary system with executive authority in the Prime Minister elected by and answerable to Parliament.

But it says it is ready to concede this position by reaching consensus with other major political parties over the executive President sharing powers with the Prime Minister in the new constitution.

They are reaching out to ODM on contentious issues that have previously derailed the Constitution review.

After four hours of deliberations PNU's top organ the supreme Council, agreed to support an executive Presidency, a President elected by the people.

The two positions are not new and were some of the major reasons that saw the rejection of the Wako draft in the referendum.

PNU however acknowledges the need for consensus on the matter and is planning to reach out to ODM to ensure the process is not derailed.

This stand comes in the wake of plans by the committee of experts to retreat to Kilaguni to refine the final draft that is scheduled for release to the public early next month.

There have been calls to merge the two proposed system of governance into one referred to a hybrid system.

It is however not clear which system of government is recommended in the draft, but the Parliamentary select committee on the constitution on Monday expressed satisfaction with the progress made by the Nzamba led team.

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