
Monday, September 28, 2009

Step Aside

The 15 personalities named in the US travel ban list should step aside.

Assistant minister for Lands Gonzi Rai, asked those mentioned to stop personalising the issue and resign from their positions.

"The Americans are our development partners and if we start personalising issues, we will not benefit in any way," he said.

Rai, who is also the Kinango MP, said Kenyans should not be left to suffer just because some people were opposed to reforms.

"Kenya is bigger than an individual and for us to correct the bad image, there should be understanding between leaders," said Rai.

Rai was speaking in Samburu when he witnessed the handing over of a water dam by the Lions Club of Mombasa Pwani. The dam, constructed at a cost of Sh1m, will benefit local residents in the drought-prone area.

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