
Monday, September 7, 2009

Moi against ceremonial president

Daniel Moi has expressed reservation towards a parliamentary system of government.

Moi says such a system which has been proposed by a section of political parties would divide the country further along tribal lines.

He was addressing a peace rally in Rongai constituency.

The retired president said only a presidential system is capable of unifying the country and ensuring proper representation.

He said Kenya was not ready for a ceremonial president and wondered what role such a president would play.

Moi also criticized members of the public service who fail to inject professionalism in their work and urged the government to crack the whip against such workers.

According to Moi, public service code is not being respected anymore by the government and the civil servants are not protected.


  1. Daniel "Kleptocrat" arap Moi should just shut up. He is one of the major reasons Kenya is in the mess that it is in.
