
Monday, September 28, 2009

Kalonzo signs oil deal

Kenya and Venezuela have signed an agreement setting the stage for cooperation in oil exploitation and supply.
The agreement also calls for an exchange of technical expertise on energy matters including exploitation of renewable sources of energy.

The agreement which has been pending for the last two years was initiated by Energy Minister Kiraitu Murungi and was signed Sunday between Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and Venezuelan Vice President and Minister for Energy and Petroleum Mr. Raphael Ramirez during the ongoing meeting of heads of state from Africa and South American countries in Venezuela.

Ramirez said due to the distance between Venezuela and Kenya Venezuela was considering supplying affordable oil to Kenya from its partners closer to East Africa.

Mr. Musyoka said the signing of the agreement affords Kenya the opportunity to access critical expertise in its quest to strike oil of its own as well as the possibility of getting access to cheaper oil supply.

"Its our intention to engage the countries of South America for the benefit of the people of Kenya," he said.

The VP also held bilateral discussion will President of Chile, Michelle Bachelet who said her country would be holding a regional conference on agri-business in East Africa in late October.

"We want to partner with Kenya to promote trade between South America and Africa," she said.

In his meeting with Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika the Vice President commended the government of Algeria for its budgetary support of the Africa Union.

"The African Union is as strong as it is today, largely due to the financial support extended by your country," he said.

President Bouteflika lauded the strong ties existing between his country and Kenya adding that Algeria would explore the possibility of increasing imports from Kenya so as to boost trade between the two countries.

The VP also met Argentinian President Kristina Kirchner who pledged to support Kenya in her anti-piracy efforts especially by training personnel in marine protection.

He has also held meetings with his Malawi counterpart Joyce Banda, Vice President of Sudan Ali Osman Taha, President of African Union Jean Ping and the Nigerian Vice President.

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