
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tuesday 25th August is Public Holiday

Kibaki has declared Tuesday 25th August a public holiday to enable enumerators carry out most of their work within the first day of the National Housing and population Census.

In a live address to the nation from State House Nairobi on Sunday, President Kibaki reassured Kenyans of the government commitment to security of the census officials as well as wananchi during the census period.

The President said the census, whose 25-day countdown he launched three weeks ago, commences at 6 .00 PM - 10.00 PM on Monday 24th, August and continues for one week during the day between 6.00 AM and 10.00 pm until all people within the Country's borders are counted.

Limited movement

The Head of State pointed out that preparations for the census were finalized and all districts already supplied with materials ready for the exercise.

The President observed that while the Government, NGOs and Religious Organizations have carried out a comprehensive awareness campaign to make every Kenyan aware of the forthcoming National census, wananchi should share the information with the few ignorant of the exercise in the next 24 hours.

President Kibaki appealed to all Kenyans to observe limited movement and stay in-doors so as to participate fully in the noble exercise which is instrumental to planning and development in the country.

The President allayed fears over possible thuggery during the census period saying the census enumerators who will be visiting homes have been recruited from the local neighborhoods and in most cases known to the residents.

"The Enumerators will carry identification cards while wearing branded T-shirts for identification. They will be accompanied by village and community elders as they visit households," the Head of State said.


President Kibaki encouraged pastoral communities who may have migrated to neighbouring countries in search of pastures due to prolonged drought to make arrangements to herd along the Kenyan borders so as to be counted.

The Head of State assured returning pastoralists that relevant government ministries have put in place strategies to distribute relief food and water to them along the borders during the census period.

President Kibaki wished all Kenyans a peaceful census.

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