
Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Raila Odinga Wednesday August 19th 2009, made a firm commitment to transform the public service and bring a new focus on getting things done.

Speaking at the Kenyatta International Conference centre during the launch of the first strategic plan for his office, the PM emphasized the need for the public service to operate with high standards of professionalism, integrity and ethics.

"This means planning together, sharing information, developing policies together and ensuring that plans get implemented," he said.

Mr. Odinga acknowledged that achieving these priorities and building a Government culture based on getting results for citizens will require the transformation of the public service.

He said," I have therefore put a new emphasis on public service transformation and on improving services to citizens."

To make sure that these things get done, he added, his office will co-ordinate and supervise the new integrated approach to implementing priorities.

‘Accountable for delivery'

Mr. Odinga said co-ordination will involve ensuring that ministries, departments and agencies work together as partners in service delivery to citizens, while supervision will involve making sure that ministries and departments are doing the right things, in the right way, to deliver on priorities in the service of Kenyans.

"This includes being clear about who is accountable for delivery and how progress and performance will be measured," he added.

Noting that this was an ambitious plan, the PM said to achieve success it will take hard work and a great deal of support and collaboration across Government and its partners, including NGOs.

He explained that the plan is about turning well-made plans into action, results, and a better quality of life for all.

"It is about making sure that there is enough food to eat, decent housing for our people, a sustainable environment, enough water to drink, energy, modern roads, railways and ports to grow our economy, " he emphasized.

And added, "The plan is about eliminating corruption and insecurity which threaten to poison our society and to tarnish our reputation around the world."

The PM noted that the plan was different in that it focused on several major priorities and seeks to correct the tendency by government to react to everything at once making it difficult to accomplish tasks.

"One of the responsibilities of Government is to be clear about what is critical to our success and do it well. That is better than trying to do everything at once and do it poorly," he added.

Strategic plan

Mr. Odinga said the plan therefore identifies several major national priorities including building new infrastructure, protecting the environment, ensuring food security, and fighting corruption.

Noting that Kenyans wanted results, Mr. Odinga pointed out that the strategic plan was not one other impressive document that will be left to gather dust on the shelves but it will be implemented in schools, hospitals, and national registries and in the communities.

He said Kenya has a large population of educated people adding with all the education and talent, the country should be able to tackle recurring problems like hunger, preventable diseases, and water shortages.

Saying that he took his constitutional mandate of coordination and supervision of the operations of government very seriously, the PM acknowledged that it was a huge task in view of what people think about government.

In this connection, Mr. Odinga said his office will make sure that ministries, departments and agencies are focused on government priorities, that they are working well together, that they are challenged on the progress they make, and that everyone in public service is professional, ethical and accountable for their actions.

Said he, "The quality and efficiency of Government affects our prosperity. It also influences how we care for each other, and the services we receive as citizens. Citizens need to know that Government is there for them when they need it most."

Mr. Odinga stated that President Kibaki and himself shared the conviction that Kenya can be a more prosperous, unified and secure nation adding they stood together in wanting a government and public service that works well for Kenyans and that steers the country towards the aspirations set out in Vision 2030.


  1. The implementation is the most important aspect.

  2. Share this document with us here on the net, a sign of efficiency. Most interested in what is in there for what is called Northern Kenya and other arid areas development.
