
Monday, August 31, 2009

ODM United

Prime Minister Raila Odinga and five Orange Democratic Movement -ODM- MPs have insisted the party is still united despite apparent differences among its top officials.

Raila said the party is still popular and holds hope of bringing changes that Kenyans have been yearning for.

Speaking in Mbita district during a memorial service for a veteran politician, the late Cllr David Mbewa Ndede, Raila said all MPs from Rift Valley were still supporting the party despite differences in opinion over Mau issue and the trial of post-election suspects.

The PM, who was accompanied by Lands Minister James Orengo, immigration minister Otieno Kajwang' and Finance assistant minister Oburu Odinga, expressed hope that the differences over the issues would soon be sorted out.

Others who attended the memorial at Lanibwe included Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo, Education assistant minister Prof Ayiecho Olweny and a host of local leaders.

The PM also announced that the construction of Mbita - Homabay road would begin soon adding that tender has already been awarded to Put Sarajevo Company. He said plans were also underway to construct Mbita - Sindo - Magunga road.

Orengo urged residents from the region to appreciate the services being offered by the government and stop complaining of being sidelined.

The late cllr Mbewa who died in 1999 was among leaders who fought against the single party system in the country.



    Agriculture minister William Ruto curiously met President Kibaki’s son Jimmy just hours today’s Orange Democratic Movement’s rescue and face-saving talks.

    Away from the glare of cameras, and inside the exquisite Zen Garden Restaurant in Nairobi’s

    Spring Valley area, Ruto held discussions with

    Jimmy on Sunday night. The next day Ruto would

    tell inquisitive journalists he just bumped into the

    President’s son and, like any responsible leader,

    could not snub him. Impeccable sources revealed

    the meeting ran for at least two hours.

    However, the presence of one more guest at

    the table, Mutito MP Kiema Kilonzo, appeared to

    betray the fact that someone could have been trying to lure him into Kibaki junior’s ‘Simama Kenya Youth Movement’.

    Speculation has been rife that Ruto was being invited to the group that hopes to excite the youths to cause a subtle political revolution just like what swept Mr Barack Obama into White House.

    On Monday Ruto said he was ready for today’s meeting of the National Executive committee-cum-Parliamentary Group.

    Party leader Raila Odinga similarly expressed confidence all would be well as ODM sits down to discuss such hot issues as Mau Forest Complex, Mr Gitobu Imanyara’s proposed Special Tribunal on post-election violence, and party unity.

    News of the Zen Garden meeting spread alongside that of Prime minister in South Nyanza on Monday telling members of his community the minister was not an enemy and attacks against him must stop.

    Today’s meeting

    The differences between Raila and Ruto, and by extension the MPs coalescing around them will dominate today’s meeting — especially the threat by Rift MPs to jump ship ostensibly because of what they claim is PM’s disrespect for them and their people.

    Raila spoke in Muhuri Bay, Rongo and Migori before flying back to Nairobi in readiness for today’s party meeting.

    Sources revealed the PM who last week asked MPs on his side to go slow on Ruto sent Public Service minister Dalmas Otieno to Ruto in a bid to reach certain amiable agreements before today’s meeting at Orange House beginning 10 am.

    Otieno was expected to meet Ruto either last evening of early today.

    Sources also revealed Raila last evening met with the convenors of today’s meeting — ODM chairman Henry Kosgey and party secretary general Prof Anyang’ Nyong’o.

    Separate sources said the party might resolve to take a stand on the controversial Special Tribunal to try post election violence suspects after members expressed diverse opinions.
