
Sunday, August 23, 2009

Kenyatta's 31st Anniversary

Kibaki on Saturday led the nation in commemorating the 31st anniversary of the death of the founding father of the nation Mzee Jomo Kenyatta.

President Kibaki joined Mzee Kenyatta's family led by the widow Mama Ngina Kenyatta in laying a wreath at the mausoleum of the late President at Parliament buildings before attending a memorial service at the Holy Family Minor Basilica.

Others who laid wreaths were the Speaker of the National Assembly Kenneth Marende and the chief of General staff Jeremiah Kianga and Nairobi Mayor Geoffrey Majiwa.

The anniversary service was conducted by Bishop Anthony Muheria of the Catholic diocese of Kitui.

In his sermons based on Isaiah 30: 19-21, Psalms 23,Romans 5: 1-5 and Matthews 25: 31-46, Bishop Muheria exhorted Christians to seek God's forgiveness and strength to fulfill the vision of the founders of this nation who sacrificed and struggled to make the country a better place for all Kenyans.

He challenged Christians to be the light and salt of the earth during their life as their deeds reflected the will of God towards mankind.

The Bishop urged all leaders to always seek God's guidance in whatever they do to add value to lives of Kenyans and the Country's posterity.

Bishop Muheria also led prayers for the President, Government, the nation and Mzee Kenyatta's soul.

At the mausoleum, dignitaries who also included the Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka, Cabinet Minister Beth Mugo and Nairobi Mayor Geoffrey Majiwa observed two minutes silence in remembrance of the founding father of the Nation.

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