
Monday, August 10, 2009


The Cabinet had no intension to expand the mandate of the Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission-TJRC-to include trial of perpetrators of past injustices as perceived by some members of public, Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said.

Mr. Musyoka called on Kenyans to support the existing mandate and compositions of the Commission in order to enable it realize its objective.

"We need to remove this misconception by the public that the commission mandate includes the trying people in courts", he added

He particularly appealed to the Media to correct the impression by enlightening the public on the correct role of the Commission.

The Vice President was speaking at Our Lady Help of Christian, Tigania Catholic Mission in Tigania West Constituency, during fund raiser towards the completion of the Church Sunday.

The occasion also marked a memorial mass for the late JosephM' Lithaa, one of the founders of the church and father of the area Member of Parliament, Kilemi Mwiria.

The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Salesious Mugambi of Meru Diocese.


On the forth coming national census, Mr. Musyoka called on Kenyans to cooperate fully with enumerators in order for the country to have accurate demographic statistics.

He noted that correct population figures would help the government in planning including creation of more employment opportunities for the youth.

Mr. Musyoka underscored the importance of peace and unity amongst Kenyans as a sure way of realizing faster development.

He said that insecure environment scares away Foreign Direct Investment including frustrating the efforts of local investors.

Food security

On the current drought, the Vice President said the Cabinet would soon hold a special meeting to discuss ways of cushioning Kenyans against the effects of the prolonged dry spell including famine.

Mr. Musyoka urged Kenyans to take seriously environmental conservation particularly in the country's water towers in order to save the sources of rivers and mitigate against climate change.

The Vice President said that there is urgent need to diversify farming practice by intensifying irrigation farming in order to ensure food security and guard against unpredictable weather patterns.

Deputy Prime minister Uhuru Kenyatta called on leaders to tone down politicking and concentrate on tackling the numerous problems facing Kenyans particularly the widespread famine and poverty.

He said the time for politics of mudslinging, insults and backbiting was long gone.

Area Member of Parliament who is also Assistant Minister for Higher Education, Kilemi Mwiria, and his Tigania East counterpart Peter Munya appealed to the government to beef up security between the borders of Tigania and Isiolo district to curb cattle rustling.

Laikipia East MP Mwangi Kiunjuri stressed the importance of conserving the environment, attributing the current server droughts to environmental degradation particularly in catchment areas.

The Harambee realized a total of Kshs.4.2 million

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