
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Cops die in accident

Nine Anti Stock Theft Unit (ASTU) police officers are admitted at the Nyahururu district hospital in critical condition after their lorry was involved in a road accident.

Three of their colleagues have also been referred to Nakuru Provincial General Hospital for further treatment after sustaining serious injuries during the accident that occurred along the Nyahururu-Maralal road at 9pm on Friday.

The victims were among a contingent of officers traveling from ASTU headquarters in Gilgil to Samburu district on a deployment mission to help in reinforcing security operations in the region.

According to the unit commandant Michael Ngugi, the lorry's brakes failed and it rammed onto an electric post at an accident black spot near Maili Saba junction, several kilometers from Nyahururu town.

“The driver diverted the lorry from the road so as to save it from rolling but unfortunately it landed in a ditch injuring the officers seriously," he said.

The commandant said most of the injured officers sustained injuries on the head and ribs.

“We are monitoring their condition so that they get well quickly,” he noted.

Doctors at the Nyahururu district hospital however said the injured officers were responding well to treatment but did not reveal when they would be discharged.

The Maili Saba area has been a notorious spot where motorist often loose control leading to cases of accidents.

The incident occurred barely three days after a motorcyclist was hit by a vehicle and died on the spot.

Residents are now appealing to the government to erect bumps along the busy road to minimise cases of road accidents

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