
Thursday, August 27, 2009

By - Elections updates

ODM and Kaddu candidates were locked in a tight race on Thursday night as counting of votes started after the Shinyalu by-election.

With five stations counted, the difference between ODM’s Justus Kizito and Kaddu’s Daniel Khamasi was less than 100 votes. PNU’s Patrick Chungani was running a distant third.

But in Bomachoge, immediate former MP Joel Onyancha of PNU took an early lead over ODM’s Samuel Ogari. With 11 stations out of 130 counted, Mr Onyancha had 2,005 votes against Mr Ogari’s 684 votes.

By-elections in the two constituencies were marked with low voter turnout. It was the first test for the Interim Independent Electoral Commission, formed after the previous commission was dissolved after the 2007 presidential election.

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