
Thursday, August 27, 2009

Accord to blame

Accord has been blamed for the slow pace of reforms by the Grand Coalition Government.Dutch Ambassador to Kenya Leititia van Assum said yesterday the Accord was drafted without any blue-print on how the Government would implement reforms in various sectors.She said those who drew the Accord were only keen on ending the post-election violence but did not put down measures aimed at expediting the implementation of reforms.

“The National Accord did not come up with a clear blue print on how to bring about fundamental changes.It was hurriedly drafted to end violence and did not provide policy direction,” she said.The Ambassador spoke at a Nairobi hotel during a public forum on constitutional reforms that was organised by the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR).The envoy urged the Government to expedite the delivery of justice for victims and perpetrators of post-election violence.

The envoy said some leaders should stop taking refuge in national stability as a cause of circumventing justice.“I have been hearing some top leaders in the Coalition Government arguing that if post-election violence suspects are made to face justice, the country’s stability would be affected. That is not true,” she said


  1. Retired president Daniel arap Moi is yet again staging a spirited defence of his former administration’s handling of land in the Mau Forest. The former president says he was never personally responsible for the dishing out of land in the Mau Forest. However, a recent report tabled in parliament indicates that a majority of beneficiaries of the Mau forest allocations were well connected individuals in the administration of the retired president. Moi defended himself on Wednesday as confusion clouded a notice issued by the Kenya Forestry Service directing illegal settlers to move out of the Mau. As NTV’s Rita Tinina reports, both Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Forestry Minister Noah Wekesa are now distancing themselves from the Mau ultimatum.
