
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Mudavadi calls on voters to shun ethnicity

Deputy Prime Minister Musalia Mudavadi has called on Kenyans to shun negative ethnicity.
The United Democratic Forum presidential aspirant said Kenya was not ready for what happened after the controversial 2007 General Election.
Speaking when he wrapped up his tour of Nyandarua County yesterday, Mudavadi indicated he was ready to form an alliance with his The National Alliance party counterpart, Uhuru Kenyatta to avoid a run-off after the polls.
Speaking during the tour, Ikolomani MP Bonny Khalwale attributed lack of development to nepotism and ethnicity in governance.
He said it would be unfortunate for leaders to use their ethnic backgrounds to ensure only people from their tribe are raised to high positions.
“We will not sit and watch as leaders benefit themselves and members of their families with public resources. This is an issue that we have to bring to an end in the next Government,” he said.
The MP reiterated that for the country to be able to fight corruption effectively, it was important that leaders who occupy public offices with high intellectual capacity who cannot only deliver essential services but also shun tribalism.
He at the same time claimed Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka were using state facilities in their campaigns.
The MP said the two who are on the presidential campaign trail were misusing public resources.

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