
Sunday, June 6, 2010


An Anglican bishop has advised his flock to support the Proposed Constitution.

ACK Southern Nyanza diocese Bishop James Ochiel termed the document the best Kenyans have ever had.

"Whereas the Proposed Constitution is not the revealed word of God or a penultimate moral code, it appreciates the dignity of humanity and the environment," said Bishop Ochiel.

The cleric challenged the flock to decide whether at this reckoning hour of a new revolution for change in the offing, they wanted to abet "an oppressive or a liberating constitution".

He enumerated a catalogue of issues in the document, which he told Christians was viable for re-orienting the country’s style of governance to bolster service delivery.

He cited the Bill of Rights, which he explained was fundamental because of its "potential safety net from oppression and exploitation".

"We have also witnessed indiscriminate allocation of resources, power, ethnic animosity and ceaseless rigging of elections against citizens’ wish. Is this the constitution the Church wants?" he posed.

Dark side of history

Speaking during a funds drive in aid of the church in Homa Bay town, the cleric said those who were against change would slide into the dark side of history and would be judged harshly by Kenyans.

"We should confess the truth and stop engaging in a gospel where our creed confession separates us from the rest of the society at a beckoning hour to record great history," said Ochiel amid shouts of "Yes, Katiba ni sasa."

At the function, Lands Minister James Orengo asked Education Minister William Ruto to "stop behaving like a saint," adding history would judge him harshly for peddling falsehood.

"The interest of Kenya supersedes that of individuals and those who want to mislead Kenyans will find themselves thrown out of leadership by the very Kenyans they are trying to mislead," Mr Orengo said.

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