
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Clinton: We were 'dead broke' after WH

Associated Press 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton says her family was "dead broke" after her husband Bill's presidency.
In an interview with ABC News airing Monday, the former secretary of state and possible presidential contender said the couple emerged from the White House saddled with legal fees and debt. Clinton said they struggled to finance "mortgages, for houses" and daughter Chelsea's education.
Financial disclosures showed that the family in 2001 owed millions of dollars in legal bills stemming from Bill Clinton's time in the White House.
Republicans said the remark shows it's difficult for ordinary people to relate to Clinton, who has made a fortune in speaking fees and is promoting a new book. Democrats leveled a similar charge against the GOP's wealthy 2012 presidential nominee, Mitt Romney.

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