Friday, August 24, 2012

MIGUNA Miguna's take on his community and RAILA

MIGUNA Miguna's take on his community and RAILA

The presidency isn’t the beginning and the end of everything. There are many communities in Kenya which have not produced any President and might not do so in a long time to come, but who are doing much better than the Luos.

Let me tell you something; most Luos don’t know and have never been told that Raila Odinga doesn’t care about Luos. Raila Odinga cares about Raila Odinga and the larger Jaramogi family. He has been Prime Minister now for more than four years; what practical initiatives – economic, social, health, educational has he started, encouraged or facilitated in Luo Nyanza? 

Where is the concrete evidence that if Raila were to become President, Luos, specifically and Kenyans, in general, would see any significant difference in the quality in their lives, that he would initiate genuine employment, investment, productive or infrastructural projects, not fake ones like the KKV, which was actually to divert public funds for 2012 campaign kitties? If he couldn’t do it in more than four years as Prime Minister, why should he be given another five years as President?”

Peeling back the Mask: A Quest for Justice (Page 545 and 546)

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